Culture Abby White | Assistant Editor Culture Abby White | Assistant Editor

Suneung: South Korea’s college entrance exam

On the 17th November, Korean high school students test years of dedicated studying in the infamous Suneung – the national college entrance exam. We explore Suneung’s formidable reputation and the lengths students go to pass.

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Culture Abby White | Assistant Editor Culture Abby White | Assistant Editor

The Korean concept of ‘jeong’

Anyone interested in Korean culture or language will probably be vaguely familiar with the concept of ‘jeong’, but truly understanding its meaning and significance in South Korean society proves harder to achieve through simply reading about it on the internet.

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Culture Abby White | Assistant Editor Culture Abby White | Assistant Editor

Explaining the rise of Hallyu

‘Hanryu’/‘Hallyu’ — ‘Han’ referring to Korea and ‘Ryu’ meaning wave — has come to dominate modern pop culture narratives in the last twenty years. While there is a broad spectrum of what exactly can be defined as part of Hallyu, it can often be boiled down to five main categories…

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