Cherry Chu Magazine is an online publication made by individuals who are passionate about all aspects of Korean culture and sharing this interest around the world.

A letter from the Editor

Dear Readers,

In 2021, I was entering a new chapter of life about to embark on a Master’s Degree in Journalism following a tough year (as I’m sure everyone can relate to) fraught with uncertainty. During the pandemic, I had found solace more than ever in the ever-expanding world of K-pop having previously been ignited into the BTS fandom in 2018 post “DNA” release. I spent most of my time in 2020 on YouTube and V-Live watching my favourite idol shows and music videos — it bought me a lot of peace at this time and I’m sure most of you have a similar story to tell.

When you fall down the K-pop ‘rabbit hole’ it’s almost impossible not to be captivated by the vibrant and expansive culture that South Korea has to offer. I fell in love, not only with the country’s exciting entertainment industry but also with it’s rich history and fascinating language. As my passion grew, I realised that I needed a creative outlet to share my love for this country. Being surrounded by individuals who also enjoyed aspects of this culture, I wanted to give a platform for others to share their interest in all things Korean too — thus Cherry Chu Magazine was born.

As our readership and team continues to grow, it’s important to me that Cherry Chu Magazine stays true to its identity — sharing various aspects of Korean culture through the lenses of Entertainment and Lifestyle and providing creative individuals a platform to share their love for all things Korea. Whether you’re a K-pop fan, love binge-watching K-dramas, or are here for our travel guides, we promise to provide you with an enjoyable experience that will leave you more than satisfied — after all, we love these things as much as you!

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read our content and support our magazine. We love having you here and can’t wait for what the future of Cherry Chu Magazine will bring.


Chelsea x