New roles now available below! We’d love to have you as part of our team.

Are you passionate about Korean culture and sharing this interest around the world? If the answer is yes, you've come to the right place.

Founded in 2021, Cherry Chu Magazine is an independent online magazine which focuses on South Korean Entertainment and Lifestyle. We’re currently looking to expand our team in a variety of ways, so please take a look at the listings below to see if anything catches your eye!

Available Contributor roles:

  • As a General Contributor you will be required to submit at least one article, per month, to the magazine. The contents of the articles you submit can include themes from any of our magazine sections (K-pop, TV/Film, etc). You will liaise with external individuals to source interviews, conducting yourself in a professional manner, and may be presented the opportunity to represent Cherry Chu Magazine at press events (subject to availability).

    To apply, please complete the form below.

  • As a Section Specific Contributor you will be required to submit at least one article, per month, to the magazine. The contents of the articles you submit will be specific to your section (you can specify your desired section in the application form below). You will liaise with external individuals, conducting yourself in a professional manner, to source interviews and may be presented the opportunity to represent Cherry Chu Magazine at press events (subject to availability). Press Tickets are available for some K-pop concerts — K-pop Contributors will be given first access to these types of tickets.

    To apply, please complete the form below.

Information for individuals applying for a Contributor role:

About you:

  • You are passionate about Korean culture and love sharing this interest with others!

  • You are a big team player and enjoy meeting and talking to new people

  • You conduct yourself well in professional settings

  • You are proficient in English (Korean proficiency is also preferred but not a necessity)

  • You have a passion for writing and improving your writing skills (prior experience is not a necessity)

Benefits of writing for Cherry Chu Magazine:

  • Connect with a team of like-minded individuals online and at our in-person meet-ups

  • Gain writing experience for an online publication with a global readership that you can add to your portfolio

  • Your work edited by a team of trained Journalists (with feedback)

Cherry Chu Magazine is an independent online magazine — all roles are currently voluntary and you will not be paid for any work you submit to, or create for, the magazine.

Please apply using the form below.

General/Section Specific Contributor Application Form:

Available Editing and Creative Roles:

  • As a Copy Editor for Cherry Chu Magazine you will edit at least one article per month, ensuring all edits are completed to a high standard. You will also create an Instagram post (with caption) using the platform Canva to accompany each edited article (full guidance on Canva usage will be provided).

    To apply, please edit and submit the text specified below ('TEXT TO BE EDITED').

  • As Social Media Assistant for Cherry Chu Magazine, you will assist the Editor in Chief to create, post, and schedule content across all of the magazine's social media channels. You will share ideas you have to improve the magazine's social media channels and analyse the analytics data for enhanced social media performance.

    Applicants should be proficient in using a variety of social media platforms and editing software.

    To apply, please complete the form below.

  • Cherry Chu Magazine Content Creators are required to submit one long-form or short-form video per month for the magazine's Instagram, TikTok, and/or YouTube accounts. There may also be opportunities to create other work for the magazine's social media accounts and website.

    Applicants should be comfortable in front of the camera as well as proficient with video editing software (Canva proficiency is preferable but not necessary).

    To apply, please complete the form below.

Information for individuals applying for the Copy Editor role:

About you:

  • You are passionate about Korean culture and love sharing this interest with others!

  • You are a big team player and enjoy meeting and talking to new people.

  • You have an keen eye for detail and enjoy editing the work of others.

  • You are full of new ideas and are happy to work collaboratively.

  • You are proficient in English (if you are also proficient in Korean, that's even better).

Benefits of writing for Cherry Chu Magazine:

  • Connect with a team of like-minded individuals online and at our in-person meet-ups.

  • Gain digital content creation experience for an online publication with a global readership that you can add to your portfolio (this is a great opportunity for those starting out in the industry or those wanting to expand on their experience).

How to apply:

Please edit the below piece of work to match the style of our previous work and email it to along with a short paragraph (no more than 250 words) explaining why you wish to work with Cherry Chu Magazine as a Copy Editor. Include the subject line 'Copy Editor Application'.

Note: Standard American and British English are both accepted.


[Ahead of the girl group’s release of their first full length album entitled Armageddon, aespa have made their mark on K-pop with “Supernova”. The track named after the explosion of a very large star, was not as explosive as the title suggest but still packed a punch. With it's rather sonically flat verses the song may prove a hit in the noraebang (Karaoke Room) as it’s relatively easy to sing with limited high and strenuous notes. The song progreses with a monotony similar to that of a high-speed train racing down a track. Regardless the master-ful pacing of the chorus is enough to leave you satisfied. 

The imagery of an explosive star through out the song leaves listeners with an empowered feeling, with lyrics such as: Won't dare touch it no one ever will / Right now it's inside me su-su-su-supernova, suggesting that the reciter (in this case aespa) has something unique inside of them even if its difficult to see at first much like the rare ocurance of a supernova.]

Cherry Chu Magazine is an independent online magazine — all roles are currently voluntary and you will not be paid for any work you submit to, or create for, the magazine.

Information for individuals applying for the Social Media Assistant or Content Creator role:

About you:

  • You are passionate about Korean culture and love sharing this interest with others!

  • You are a big team player and enjoy meeting and talking to new people

  • You are confident in front of a camera (Content Creator only) and always present yourself in a professional manner.

  • You are full of new ideas and are happy to work collaboratively.

  • You can record and edit videos to a high standard (you do not, however, need to own any paid editing platforms).

  • You are proficient in English (if you are also proficient in Korean, that's even better).

Benefits of writing for Cherry Chu Magazine:

  • Connect with a team of like-minded individuals online and at our in-person meet-ups.

  • Gain digital content creation and social media experience for an online publication with a global readership that you can add to your portfolio (this is a great opportunity for those starting out in the industry or those wanting to expand on their experience).

Please note: Cherry Chu Magazine is an independent online publication and all current contributions are voluntary.

Please apply using the form below.

Social Media Assistant/Content Creator Application Form: